I had a happy tourist experience when I stopped into the American Book Center in Amsterdam yesterday and spotted Crossing the Borders of Time on the New Non-fiction display:
When I purchased and signed a copy to give to a Dutch friend, the bookseller, Tiemen Zwaan, realized I was the author, brought me a stack of copies to sign, and placed “signed copy” stickers on each. He told me the book was selling very well in their store. Great fun! The shop is a lovely one, at Spui 12.

Not only am I loving your book(still reading it) but I find the references Inwood to be so interesting to me. I grew up there, on Post Ave and 204 St. I knew the Dyckman House so well ,Nash’s bakery and the entire area. One of my best friends lived next to the “house” and most likely your parents and family and I “rubbed ” shoulders along the way. Along with a deeper understanding of the peril of the Jews, reading about Inwood enlivens me as I reach 83. Having been to Mulhouse and Lyon brings it to life for me.
I hope I haven’t gone on too long, but THANKS for writing your love story.
Gloria Donoghue