I’ll be on a Readers’ Review panel discussing Scott Turow’s Presumed Innocent on August 22. Read more on the Diane Rehm Show website.
Crossing the Borders of Time in Amsterdam
I had a happy tourist experience when I stopped into the American Book Center in Amsterdam yesterday and spotted Crossing the Borders of Time on the New Non-fiction display:
When I purchased and signed a copy to give to a Dutch friend, the bookseller, Tiemen Zwaan, realized I was the author, brought me a stack of copies to sign, and placed “signed copy” stickers on each. He told me the book was selling very well in their store. Great fun! The shop is a lovely one, at Spui 12.

Meeting Huberta von Voss-Wittig

Huberta von Voss-Wittig, a journalist who is the wife of Germany’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Dr. Peter Wittig, graciously hosted a dinner party in their Manhattan residence to celebrate the publication of Crossing the Borders of Time. It was an extraordinarily meaningful and memorable moment for me to be there as she spoke eloquently about the history evoked in the book. I only wished that my German-born grandparents, Sigmar and Alice Gunzburger, could have been with me to hear her.
My grandparents traced their roots in German soil back through several centuries, and it was with deep regret that they fled their home in Freiburg im. Breisgau in 1938. I know they would have been proud to see Ambassador and Mrs. Wittig celebrate my book, which delves into their German heritage and experience under Hitler.
Ambassador Wittig, who has represented Germany in the United Nations since 2009, earlier both studied and taught as an assistant professor at the University in Freiburg. Huberta von Voss-Wittig attracted public attention this past spring, when she and her British counterpart, Sheila Lyall Grant, released a video calling on Asma al-Assad, wife of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to stand up for peace in her country.
‘Crossing’ wins AudioFile Magazine Earphones Award
Happy to share the news that the audio version of Crossing the Borders of Time won an AudioFile Magazine Earphones Award. It will be announced on their website in July and in their print magazine in the August/September issue. As described on the AudioFile website, the awards are presented to “truly exceptional presentations that excel in all the following criteria:
• Narrative voice and style
• Vocal characterizations
• Appropriateness for the audio format
• Enhancement of the text”
The AudioFile Review:
A True Story of War, Exile, and Love Reclaimed
Leslie Maitland
Read by Leslie Maitland
Within minutes of pressing “play,” the listener may forget this is a work of nonfiction—so engrossing is its story and so vividly is it told. As the author, Maitland crafts the story of her mother’s life as a young Jewish woman during WWII. Her writing exhibits the detail of a reporter and the narrative skill of a novelist. As the performer, Maitland provides smooth pronunciation of French and German terms, as well as various European accents, and superb pacing. The story is vast in scope, but the blend of facts about the time period and the personal love story between Maitland’s mother and a young Frenchman make the production engrossing. L.B.F. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2012, Portland, Maine [Published: JUNE 2012]
Leslie Maitland on DC NewsChannel 8
Leslie Blogs as “Visiting Scribe” for the Jewish Book Council
‘The Diane Rehm Show’ Rebroadcast: May 28, 11am
The Diane Rehm Show is rebroadcasting my recent interview. Tune in May 28, at 11am.
Link: The Diane Rehm Show
Leslie Maitland Reads from Crossing the Borders of Time
The PBS NewsHour crew visited my home and filmed me reading an excerpt from the first chapter of Crossing the Borders of Time, which is now posted online.
Link: The NewsHour Art Blog
The PBS NewsHour
The PBS NewsHour presented a wonderful segment on Crossing the Borders of Time on Friday evening, May 11. Host Margaret Warner visited my home and conducted a thoughtful interview with me about my mother’s story. Producer Peggy Robinson provided an excellent introduction complete with numerous extra photographs that do not appear in the book itself.
Link: The PBS NewsHour
The Fort Lauderdale “Sun Sentinel” on “Crossing the Borders of Time”
The Sun Sentinel ran an article on Crossing the Borders of Time on April 20, 2012. Here’s a quote from the article. “It had been nearly 50 years since she heard his voice, pushing off on the last refugee boat out of Nazi-occupied France, a German Jew confident she would soon be reunited with the Catholic Frenchman who had won her heart. But a war-torn Europe and the secret connivings of a meddling father snuffed out those plans, but not the lasting flame of first love.”
Link: Sun Sentinel